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Dec 11, 2024
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"BYU can play Duke" -AJ + "AJ is major TV star we want to schedule for one-off
Genghis Spreads
Dec 11, 1:03pm
Their athletic department is a cowardly mess. No thank you.
Dec 11, 1:04pm
How soon BYU fans forget about that nonsense.
Dec 11, 1:08pm
That's petty.
Genghis Spreads
Dec 11, 1:08pm
I don't care. They are cowardly and not worthy of being on the same field as BYU
Dec 11, 1:11pm
Good thing basketball isn't played on fields, then.
Dec 11, 1:17pm
What's petty is damaging fake racism claims. They can rot in hades.
Dec 11, 1:11pm
Petty? You read the official release of that chick when she got back to the safe confines of Duke.
Dec 11, 1:14pm
We need to work on our reputation if someone can just do that to us.
Genghis Spreads
Dec 11, 1:18pm
I think landing the Top bball prospect is step in the right direction, don't you?
Dec 11, 1:19pm
Yes I do. By playing them, it also says we're big enough that you can't cancel
Genghis Spreads
Dec 11, 1:23pm
Christ says welcome another slap in the face from your enemy, NOT another brutal beat-down.
Dec 11, 1:24pm
What would be another brutal beatdown?
Genghis Spreads
Dec 11, 1:26pm
For starters: making a mock of us to the media - that we would dare think they'd at all be interested in playin us again
Dec 11, 1:31pm
So you're saying if we reached out to them and they rejected us publicly? TBH
Genghis Spreads
Dec 11, 1:37pm
No one else has forgotten about it. Why would they?
Dec 11, 1:39pm
Who is "no one else"?
Genghis Spreads
Dec 11, 2:11pm
It wasn't just a big & controversial story to us BYU fans.
Dec 11, 2:17pm
It was in the national media and became a cultural wars issue. Are people still
Genghis Spreads
Dec 11, 2:21pm
No. And neither did Duke ever make right on it. They last refused to play another game on our campus
Dec 11, 2:25pm
So if they agreed to it, you’d be OK?
Genghis Spreads
Dec 11, 6:58pm
If they make it happen, yes. I don't even need a public apology. So long as our AD receives it.
Dec 11, 7:29pm
Ok then I don’t disagree with you that much. The others here just want to stick
Genghis Spreads
Dec 11, 8:29pm
They did give Y fans a reason to be very upset with them.
Dec 11, 8:34pm
Who doesn’t?
Dec 11, 9:23pm
Apparently, some people forgot about it already.
Genghis Spreads
Dec 11, 10:49pm
"Turning the other cheek" is a act of defiance.
Dec 11, 5:46pm
We can and do play lots of teams that prove that. No need to play Duke.
Ghost of Peanut
Dec 11, 1:46pm
You are blaming the recipient of the offense rather than the offender? What the
Dec 11, 1:20pm
Believe she had been primed to expect the worst so was easily fooled into thinking she heard something she didn’t.
Dec 11, 1:25pm
Maybe her intent was good, maybe it wasn't. After all the details came out,
Dec 11, 1:30pm
"Good" in the sense that she probably thinks she's got a "good" godmother.
Dec 11, 1:41pm
I don't think she had any "intent" at all. She simply had a family who believed the scary stuff about
Dec 11, 5:56pm
As right-wing commentator Jason Whitlock reported, the Duke VB team had a "speak out" against racism seminar
Dec 11, 6:45pm
We weren't helped by a specific member of our broadcast crew repeatedly bringing
Dec 11, 3:52pm
Nobody besides BYU fans remember this. Get over it dude
Dec 11, 4:04pm
Are you eight years old? It didn't happen 10 years ago, bro.
Dec 11, 4:08pm
How is that relevant, bro?
Dec 11, 4:10pm
Yeah, but it's fresh enough to not think we're back on good terms w Duke. Not unless
Dec 11, 4:13pm
I suppose if you don't use any logic whatsoever this makes sense
Dec 11, 4:58pm
Yes, I'm into the logic that tells me the stove that burned my hand 2 minutes ago will probably still burn me.
Dec 11, 5:15pm
I would put money we will play Duke. AJ vs Boozer
Dec 11, 1:04pm
How much? I'll bookmark your post.
Genghis Spreads
Dec 11, 1:05pm
A gentleman's bet. Can choose my pic for a month as long as not inappropriate. 🙂
Dec 11, 2:14pm
Could any Duke athletic team ever come to Provo after the racist claims?
Dec 11, 1:11pm
Honestly the way AJ said that, almost smirking at Stephen A., makes me think
Duke Silver
Dec 11, 1:13pm
I hope it happens
Dec 11, 1:29pm
Tom is the right man to lead our athletic program. I can imagine things going
Genghis Spreads
Dec 11, 1:33pm
I agree w you on that.
Dec 11, 1:47pm
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