Both Toll and Sherman (the Ringer guy) said that Rice was a better football experience, but LES a better entertainment experience. Toll specifically called out the fan knowledge at Rice, but pointed out that the in-game presentation & ads broke momentum at times.
I haven't lived in Utah for some time, but that honestly tracks. Fans come to RES to watch football. That's basically it. Whereas those coming to LES have a greater variety of reasons. Some of them are old grads who support BYU (the institution) more than BYU (the football team). Lots of students show up as a social event (again this is out of date, so may have changed - my wife attended every football game for 4 years with friends but barely paid attention to the football), and there's a bunch of families enjoying the experience with young kids.
As a general rule, my 4 year old niece doesn't have the same football knowledge as a grown man.
But that also means that BYU does a better job of catering to the casual / family / institution fans who are there for other reasons and has some of the best in-game entertainment and experience