but as of about 2 weeks ago, it's like someone flipped a switch in the vehicle. None of these problems existed before two weeks ago.
50% of the time, the vehicle stopped shiftign out of park. Have to turn the car on and off multiple times. Never know if it'll work.
The power doors and liftgate stopped working. switched to manual and that seems to be okay.
The dashboard cycles through a series of error messages of "speed limit sensor, key fob sensor, lane assist etc... that beep at you the entire time you drive."
the lights in the left door flicker
Noticing oily stains underneath it now
All of this at the same time. it's pretty incredible really.
and this is after we had the backup camera fixed and dumped $1500 in it to fix a leaky coolant fluid hopper. And replaced all 4 tires after one exploded on us outside of Snowville at midnight. (yeah, that was great). Wife just texted that one of those 4 new tires just went flat....