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Sep 4, 2024
Mitty All-American
I don't get the obsession on this board with Keita starting. It's a difficult
argument to make or defend.

Offensively, Fouss far more skilled.
Defensively, pretty close but edge to Keita.
Starting experience Fouss = lots, Keita = near zero.
FT% Fouss by a landslide.

Fouss was a top three player on our team last year by advanced stats, and by some measures was the best. Keita has never been that on lesser teams.
Fouss is projected as an all-conference type of player at some level. Keita is not. The advanced stats prognosticators predict more production out of Fouss.

Keita is more of a project. If you took AAA and made him a little better, is that instantly an upgrade over Fouss? Nope, the difference is too great.

Why the blinders? It's possible Keita may end up starting at some point, but to say he's clearly the guy for game 1? Nah.

Hall and Fouss are the nearest things to locks to start game 1 as we have on this roster.
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Originally posted on Sep 4, 2024 at 5:03:07pm
Message modified by Mitty on Sep 4, 2024 at 5:04:48pm
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