...head covered by a towel. Trevor Reilly and Jake Murphy were the ones who mostly tried to do damage control by taking LDS church members to task saying that we shouldn't be offended for the following reasons:
1. It was posted on social media 2 months before (so that makes it ok and nobody should be offended)
2. it was not intended to offend any religion (so that makes it ok and nobody should be offended)
3. It was a dare to see if the player would go all the way under the water in the ice tub (so that means we're supposed to believe that lame excuse and nobody should be offended)
Not a good take for either of them as RM's and active members. It's like they're hanging out in the Great and Spacious Building and then yelling down at the people who stayed near the tree that none of the jeering, name-calling, and belittling comments are intended to offend a particular religion and despite that they're all 100% focused on members of the LDS faith we're out of line and in the wrong if we take offense.