I am glad this study was brought up. . . Mostly for my 3rd point.
#1) most data is from Fuelly.com. dataset is self reported.
#2) EPA estimates that 20 mile electric range should lead to 50% miles driven. 60 miles electric range is EPA estimated 80% of all miles driven.
#3) most importantly. . . Note that the cars that completely fail have <20 miles of electric Range, but if you have 30+ miles of electric range the majority of the data shows over 50% of the miles are electric. (Which is still less than EPA projected 60-80% of all miles)
Also, not in the data set. . . PHEVs get the same gas mileage as regular hybrids.
Overall, PHEVs do not hit EPA estimates, but looking at the data, you really need 30 miles of electric range for the average driver to hit 50% electric miles.