He cited unnamed sources, and said that though not publicly reported, he has been told that today's meeting was 100% about realignment. Not about a Pac 12 media deal, not about the athletics program in general, but about realignment.
He said that the same pattern is being followed now that was followed when CO left the Big 12 in 2010. In 2010, the CO board had a private executive session, and three days later, scheduled a public board meeting for 25 minutes. Obviously, there are parallels to what has happened today, and the scheduled public board meeting Friday for 30 minutes. He said that we may hear rumors and see reports from mainstream sources in the next 24-48 hours of CO joining the Big 12.
He also said that Arizona is not quite "there" when it comes to realignment. He said he received information today that said that even if CO comes this week, it does not mean that AZ will immediately follow. He said that if AZ does come right away with CO, he would take the "L" on that.