In 2019, games against Texas and Oklahoma had the highest starting prices, as well as the HC game against Texas Tech having the exact same price. That's $50 more than a normal conference game and $70 more than a G5 game
In 2021, (lowest-end) tickets to the Texas Tech game are in-line with the rest of in-conference and $60 less than tickets to Texas/Oklahoma.
Therefore it seems reasonable to suggest that HC increases the ticket value/demand by $60 ($50 in 2019, but inflation...)
So BYU 2021 tickets start at $130. Drop off the $60 HC upcharge and it's valued at about $70, which is more than West Virginia and Texas Tech ($50) as well as Texas Southern ($35), but less than games against Iowa St, Texas and Oklahoma ($110).
AND there's concern about availability. So even after accounting for homecoming, it's pretty clear that Baylor expects a bigger turnout for BYU than for West Virginia or Texas Tech, which is why the tickets are still higher (even ignoring the HC upcharge) and there's the asterisk.