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Aug 11, 2020
lilpenny All-American
You could get used to diet soda in a week, if you tried.
While I know it isn't great for you, it is still better than regular soda.
I work in the diabetes space. My opinion is that half of the US' current health crises is caused by soda. There are people who drink a full 64 oz mug of soda a day which is about 1500 calories. One can gain 5 pounds a week doing this, even if you are healthy in every other way.

I was always pudgy, but my freshman year at BYU I started drinking soda more because of the Dining Plus thing and it was a closer walk to the vending machine than to the water fountain from my dorm room at Helaman. I gained about 40 pounds between September and April. I was pre diabetic and had high blood pressure at 23 years old. I've since lost 100 pounds, a bunch of which I credit to switching to diet soda.

It took me a week of drinking Diet Coke to get used to it, and now I legit prefer it to regular coke. If you drink a lot of soda it would be a huge blessing for your health to switch.

I know your comment was probably tongue in cheek and maybe you don't like soda or just have a couple a week, but any more than that and you will eventually pay the price from the extra calories. I hope this helps.
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Originally posted on Aug 11, 2020 at 12:19:07pm
Message modified by lilpenny on Aug 11, 2020 at 12:20:13pm
Message modified by lilpenny on Aug 11, 2020 at 12:21:48pm
Message modified by lilpenny on Aug 11, 2020 at 12:22:55pm
Message modified by lilpenny on Aug 11, 2020 at 12:23:16pm
Message modified by lilpenny on Aug 11, 2020 at 12:24:34pm
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