school, one of my friends dads was in some sort of MLM. It was a BIG ONE though, was going to make soo many millionaires.. we probably had up to 12 families give anywhere from $2,000 to $12,000. He got money from our first councelor in the ward, and quite a few other members. Some had the money to *Spare* (meaning they didn't go bankrupt without it, it just hurt) Some put forth all the money they had, almost in a faith like way in hopes of getting a huge return. Then this dude. Just left. My friend was no longer at school, they were no longer living in their house, they were just gone without a trace. It was soo strange. I never really heard the full story, what happened to those people, I just heard maybe 5 years later, the father was in jail some random spot in the country and that that family was in all sorts of turmoil. So sad for SOO many people.