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Jan 6, 2025
Cougar Junkie
Pick your spot. I didn't buy a house until I was 46.
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Cougar Junkie
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Cougar Junkie
Oct 10, 2001
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Mar 10, 2025
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Housing prices are a nation wide problem.
Jan 6, 11:08pm
You know things are bad when TNT is grateful he has a cardboard box
Jan 6, 11:15pm
Pick your spot. I didn't buy a house until I was 46.
Cougar Junkie
Jan 6, 11:17pm
5 year old news and some Utahns still think it's an isolated issue.
rad dawg
Jan 6, 11:22pm
Did they make out like bandits or not. Cost of a dream home in South Orange
Jan 6, 11:32pm
Are you calling south orange county a lower cost of living area?
rad dawg
Jan 6, 11:36pm
Not sure u understood your own post. Work from anywhere people can still
Jan 6, 11:48pm
Haha. The American dream to live in an apartment.
Jan 7, 4:28am
For some people it is. Everyone needs a place to live and the high cost of
Jan 7, 2:28pm
it happened everywhere, but not nearly the same magnitude
Jan 7, 7:26am
I encourage you to shop places like Dubuque Iowa, etc. Home prices may
Jan 6, 11:31pm
So are median household incomes.
rad dawg
Jan 6, 11:37pm
I was responding to the work from anywhere guy. OTOH - move there and
Jan 6, 11:41pm
Im the guy, and it's a terrible take.
rad dawg
Jan 6, 11:48pm
It can be the magical personal solution to an individuals housing crisis. People
Jan 6, 11:53pm
It is not a viable solution in any way. I've been there first hand.
rad dawg
Jan 7, 12:15am
Help me understand the perspective here because I'm not sure I'm following.
Jan 7, 1:51am
he did say median household income is under 70k, so that total number under 70k
Jan 7, 5:57am
Median HOUSEHOLD income here is ~$64k.
rad dawg
Jan 7, 8:27am
I think Texas state income tax is zero. That offsets the 4.5 % you quoted.
Jan 7, 8:33am
Hence why I compared the prop tax to Utah income tax.
rad dawg
Jan 7, 9:01am
I must've missed that comparison. It was early..
Jan 7, 3:31pm
Misread that. So those numbers are the exact same as my family
Jan 7, 9:55am
yes I think he is arguing not how bad things are for him personally but how
Jan 7, 10:01am
Remote work does solve the problem for that individual.
rad dawg
Jan 7, 10:22am
Gotcha. Can't disagree with you there. Inflation has gone crazy
Jan 7, 12:12pm
If supply is "through the roof", then basic economic principles should be coming
Ghost of Peanut
Jan 7, 6:41am
They are coming in to play and you can see this all for yourself.
rad dawg
Jan 7, 8:53am
So basic economic principles are working.
Ghost of Peanut
Jan 7, 9:03am
Its well on its way to working, but is going to take time.
rad dawg
Jan 7, 9:20am
Nothing about our housing market resembles a free market.
Jan 7, 11:00am
Free market has endangered too many powerful people. It's gone.
Jan 7, 6:50am
That is silly. The only solution is to build more housing.
Jan 7, 2:52pm
Really? Why are Lennar and DR Horton stock down double digits in 30 days?
rad dawg
Jan 7, 3:00pm
Big builders are sitting on tons of unsold inventory right now.
Jan 7, 4:01pm
If true, more price drops ind interest subsidies are coming your way. I have
Jan 8, 4:05pm
I think that's right. And that's exactly the guidance Lennar was projecting...
Jan 9, 11:09am
Yes, but, this Toyota ad keeps locking up my screen killing my well thought out
Jan 9, 1:57pm
Jan 9, 7:15pm
Building the wrong kind of housing. More entry level apartments and lower
Jan 8, 4:00pm
Good luck building small homes.
Jan 8, 4:04pm
They are popping up along with apartments all over the place. The govt even
Jan 8, 4:10pm
Congratulations, you just debunked your own narrative.
rad dawg
Jan 8, 4:23pm
Because markets respond to market issues. Housing supply has been increasing
Jan 8, 4:53pm
I don't buy it. We saw interest rates dip back to the 5's
rad dawg
Jan 8, 5:06pm
And the quality of these homes is terrible.
Jan 8, 5:19pm
Well - you wanted lower prices. You are going to get smaller lots, smaller
Jan 8, 6:57pm
You're ridiculous.
Jan 8, 10:23pm
New homes come with a warranty. You are being ridiculous.
Jan 8, 10:42pm
Rates are part of pricing. This is not difficult to understand. Rates dropping
Jan 8, 6:54pm
They're dropping a few percent but have risen 50 - 100% recently.
Jan 8, 10:26pm
They may need to learn what the definition of a starter home is. My 1st home
Jan 8, 10:51pm
It’s also hope for a rate in the 2% and 3%.
Jan 8, 11:27pm
Be happy. If they are sitting in inventory - prices are about to drop. If it is
Jan 8, 4:03pm
The problem with moving to Iowa is that then you have to live in Iowa.
Jan 7, 12:28am
And what is the problem with that? And what are you comparing it to? If
Jan 7, 7:51am
For someone that is truly WFH, Try this: go to Weslaco, TX RE & for more exact
Jan 7, 4:16am
Prices are dealing in San Francisco. 🙂
Jan 6, 11:35pm
I have an idea that should help with demand:
Jan 6, 11:57pm
RE: I have an idea that should help with demand:
Jan 7, 6:35am
Any comparison of home prices needs to be standardized with median Income.
Jan 7, 12:02am
Nobody is going to sell their home/s right now. Not going to change until...
Jan 7, 4:28am
Don't wish for a pop decrease.
Jan 7, 4:56am
Population decrease comes in many forms.
Jan 7, 6:32am
And all of them destroy local economies
Jan 7, 7:31am
so does overpopulation
Jan 7, 7:35am
Isn't this a myth?
Jan 7, 10:14am
To be fair, most of the things I mentioned also destroy local economies.
Jan 7, 8:36am
What does?
Jan 7, 11:31am
We bought in 2021 and were told we were crazy for doing so. I'm really glad we
Jan 7, 10:35am
And should be standardized with home size / quality
Jan 7, 11:14am
And land/ lot size standardized...
NYC and Japan
Jan 7, 1:16pm
I hate the new trend of big 2000+ sq foot houses on tiny lots.
Jan 7, 1:34pm
This is a good point. Lot’s of houses being built on a tiny piece of land.
Powerbait DPM
Jan 7, 1:35pm
This is a popular idea but also falls apart under close scrutiny.
rad dawg
Jan 7, 2:25pm
Buy homes in WV or the Midwest? They have great ratios because they’re bleeding
Jan 7, 5:03pm
You think federal land is what’s holding back housing inventory?
Jan 8, 11:04pm
It’s painful for anyone looking to get out of renting. I’m sick of paying 3k/mo
Powerbait DPM
Jan 7, 1:33pm
It’s true. The cost to rent vs cost to buy is way out of whack right now.
Jan 7, 2:08pm
Exactly. It’s going to probably end up being a financial decision vs happiness
Powerbait DPM
Jan 7, 2:41pm
It’s bad right now. Fortunately, it usually returns somewhat to even…
Jan 7, 3:44pm
Sadly, the government intervenes too often for any meaningful correction now.
Jan 7, 4:27pm
The best thing would be to do nothing and let the free market correct with
Powerbait DPM
Jan 7, 4:46pm
Absolutely. But a market correction wouldn't be the best thing for wealthy...
Jan 8, 2:18pm
Where on this planet are apartment complexes going under? Maybe in
Jan 8, 4:12pm
Seeing a lot of it in central Texas.
rad dawg
Jan 8, 4:27pm
I don’t care about data sets. I am a landlord. Rents are way up and
Jan 8, 4:57pm
Right after u suggest let the free market correct - u start suggesting
Jan 8, 3:56pm
They absolutely do, however, I'm somewhat hopeful that pattern has ended.
Jan 9, 11:19am
The Fed is only one of many factors. As with everything - it is not just one
Jan 9, 2:28pm
They are the gatekeeper to all money. They are a massive part of the problem.
Jan 9, 3:07pm
Just one, but by far the biggest in the macro environment.
Jan 9, 4:17pm
Simplifying this for normal people - 3% interest rates are not even nearly
Jan 9, 5:57pm
The fascinating thing is how much it really did impact demand.
Jan 9, 7:05pm
There are some tax $$ benefits by owning that don't exist when renting.
Jan 7, 3:54pm
There absolutely are. Lots of other benefits too.
Jan 7, 4:07pm
Outside of deductible of interest and property taxes. What other benefits are
Powerbait DPM
Jan 7, 4:49pm
Depreciation is arguably the most significant
rad dawg
Jan 7, 5:07pm
Yup, this drives people with money to buy rental properties and price out those
Powerbait DPM
Jan 7, 5:18pm
It can also be used as collateral for additional loans like HELOC.
Jan 8, 2:20pm
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