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Dec 17, 2024
Jelly Man Playmaker
This is such an apples to oranges comparison.
There is zero rationale to compare what we have in the United States to what Norway does when it comes to health care.

You have a small population.

That population is genetically homogeneous.

You ration care (drugs, procedures, visits)

Your country does not provide the blanket of protection for us (and the world by extension) like the US does for Norway allowing you to have the generous social benefits you do.

Your immigration policies are very strict, while ours are anything but.

I could go on. But, these are a few of the differences between our healthcare delivery systems.

There is a lot that we can and should do in the US, but that would require citizens giving up some things. That is very hard to do politically, socially, and individually.
Jelly Man
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Jelly Man
Jan 5, 2005
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Dec 17, 2024
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