notice to comply of vacate" notice this afternoon.
Last February I began leasing to a woman. She looked like she'd had a tough past, but her credit score was well into the 700s, which is pretty high for the kind of renters my building appeals to. She was very straightforward about an old possession charge she had but everything else seemed okay. She had a good job and her employer was paying for her to get more education. For about 9 months she really was a model tenant but in early November a tenant called me to say that she seemed distressed.
I've had several discussions with her since. Much of the time she seems impaired. I've had a couple reports of disturbances from other tenants, and I've witnessed her erratic behavior on several occasions, but I was just planning on not renewing her lease at the end of January. I got another nuisance complaint last night. I visited her to talk about it but she let out a stream of f-bombs and slammed the door on me.
Right now, some people from the mental health crisis service are visiting her but I think regardless of the outcome I need to spare my other tenants from this behavior. I'll issue the eviction notice this afternoon. I foresee a lot of potential pitfalls between now and the time I can get her and her possessions out.