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Dec 9, 2024
Spiff SequelTrilogyFan
One thing that hurt BYU's perception this year is not completely blowing teams out. Kalani has to stop being afraid to
(what from my perspective) seems a reluctance to embarrass opponents. The Wyoming game should have been 30-point victory, not a 20-point one. Baylor should have been a 20-point victory, not a 6-point one. Arizona should have been a 30-point victory, not a 22-point one. UCF should have been a 30-point victory, not a 13-point one. Utah should have been a 20-point victory, not a 1-point victory. You have to destroy opponents when the opportunity arises.

It's part of the reason Indiana moved up so quickly in the polls, and is still perceived to being legit.

Kalani has to stop being nice. Each of the opponents I listed wouldn't hesitate to beat BYU and Kalani by 40 if they had the chance.
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