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Tour of Utah – Day 2, Monday May 23 – Glendale to Elsinore
105 miles with 3000ft of climbing. Today was rough. We started with 1100ft of climbing over the first 8 miles. It was cloudy, windy, and a bit cold. The rest of the day was supposed to be gradually downhill with a few short climbing sections. You would think easy right? Not with all the wind. It was 10-15 mph headwind for 8 straight hours. Even a -2% grade was a grind. We were several mph slower than predicted, so we stopped 10 miles short of our planned destination in Richfield, and just made it to a restaurant in time to get food. Also had to make a longer pit stop to repair a nasty cut in my brother's tubeless tire. We'll make up the 10 miles tomorrow morning.
It was interesting to visit all the small towns on 89. So many beautiful valleys full of farming and ranching. We saw tons of horses, cows, and some sheep. The horses stared at us as we passed, but the cows were hilariously terrified. The soft-serve ice cream in Junction was fantastic, but I was also starving at the time. We passed a herd of 40ish deer in a farmers field.
One of the best parts of the ride was the dedicated bike path from Big Rock Candy Mountain down to Elsinore. It was smooth and separated from traffic with great views of the canyon. We finished our ride in Elsinore at the a pioneer era brick building that was the first chapel in the valley.