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Apr 29, 2014
Some clarifications on your comments
Specifically around this comment "The committee will decide on the pairings and which bowls the team will play."

From what I read I agree that for the semi-final games it is all by committee but beyond that there are some requirements of who will play where before the committee then makes the rest of the decisions.
...some non-semifinal bowl selections will be based on conference tie-ins, similarly to the BCS's automatic qualifier berths...

...Rose Bowl — Big Ten #1 vs. Pac-12 #1
Sugar Bowl — SEC #1 vs. Big 12 #1
Orange Bowl — ACC #1 vs. SEC #2, Big Ten #2, or Notre Dame...

...If the Big Ten or SEC champion is available for a non-playoff bowl in a year when the Rose and Sugar Bowls are hosting semifinals, that team will appear in either the Cotton Bowl, Fiesta Bowl, or Peach Bowl, but not the Orange Bowl...

I also believe I read some where that in years that the Rose or Sugar are not the semi-final games that the top available B1G, Pac, SEC or B12 teams will go to those games even if their conference champ is already in the semi-finals (so a 2nd or 3rd place team from those conferences will be guaranteed to go there if their champ is in a semi-final game).

If this Rose/Sugar "top team" aspect is true then it should be noted that in years they are the semi-final games then it would appear more likely for at large teams outside of the P5 to get into a NY6 game. In years where they are not the semi-final game then they would always have 4 teams filling those slots that are from P5 leagues. So basically teams like BYU may need to target peaking in years where the Rose/Sugar are the semi-final games in order to maximize their changes of being an at-large.
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