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Oct 18, 2021
NewYorkCougar Playmaker
This would work, except for one thing. Humans are wired to trust and are horrible at picking up on deceit.
Our accuracy rate for spotting liars is 52%, which is just above chance. Here's a quick 2-minute take on this.

Bio page
Jun 29, 2002
Last login
Jan 11, 2025
Total posts
2,385 (151 FO)
10/17/21 10:46pm
10/17/21 10:50pm
10/17/21 10:53pm
10/18/21 7:26am
10/18/21 10:56am
10/17/21 10:48pm
10/17/21 11:29pm
10/17/21 11:40pm
10/18/21 12:04am
10/18/21 3:52am
10/18/21 1:55pm
10/17/21 10:59pm
10/17/21 11:26pm
10/18/21 6:32am
10/18/21 7:07am
10/18/21 12:41pm
10/18/21 1:50pm

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