A great loan officer is competent, professional, puts client first, and a good relationship builder.
There are so many regulations on mortgage lending that if your mortgage guy isn’t on top of it all your loan absolutely will not go smooth. Anybody out there had things go terribly wrong in s mortgage deal? There are many moving parts. Appraisal, title, property, finances, credit, closings, contracts, timelines , compliance, underwriters etc. thus a good mortgage guy has to be very organized, knowledgeable and motivated. It’s a lot like running your own business.
Good mortgage guys must be able to work with people face to face in a professional manner and also go out and bring in new business from realtors and builders etc in a super competitive industry. Many people try it and most do not last.
If you find a good one who can manage everything involved well, who you like, has your best interest at heart (not what makes him or her the most commission) and does a good job for you (loan goes smoothly) stick with them!
Truly not an easy job
If you need a referral BM me.