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Apr 22, 2004
I'll elaborate
When Crowton was hired he tried to fire Bosco but was not allowed. (You might think he wanted to keep Bosco to have a strong link back to the days when BYU actually had a decent offensive coaching staff, but that's not correct).

Crowton was able to overcome Bosco's hideous coaching in 2001, but couldn't do it in 2002. After 2002, he tried to fire Bosco again. It went all the way up to Gordon B. Hinckley, but the prophet after prayerful consideration nixed the plan.

Crowton, being one step ahead of the admin, devised a genius plan to finally get rid of Bosco. He promoted him and gave him a lot more responsibility. (You might think it's not good manager skills to promote someone you want to fire, but Crowton had a master plan us small minded people can't understand). Bosco sucked up the offense AGAIN in '03, and Crowton was finally able to convince BYU admin all the way up the Board of Trustees that Bosco should go.

Now that Bosco is FINALLY out of the way, Crowton can get down to business.

Oh, and all this is top secret. If it gets out, it might get scrutinized and shown how ridiculous it is. It's better to make vague references at it.
Jay Santos
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Jay Santos
Jul 12, 2003
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4/22/04 12:55pm

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