Mar 23, 2025
lbmango All-American
Two Related Thoughts about last night's game...
1. It's GREAT that BYU won the game. However, the fact that the officiating was so atrocious and led to a very close game that shouldn't have been close was a major disservice to BYU and the game they played. And it begs two questions: 1. What's to stop that kind of unequal officiating from happening again? 2. When the officiating is so clearly biased (either intentionally or unintentionally) will anyone (NCAA, officials groups, BYU AD's office, national pundits, etc.) do anything to minimize the chance of that kind of thing happening again in the future, especially in the NCAA Tournament which is one of the NCAA's biggest events?

2. When there's a player as good as Tonje, why the heck do officials give them extra help when they don't need it to begin with? He was great at shooting and finishing at the rim, but he didn't need the help of the officials calling a foul every time he drove regardless of whether he was even touched or not. In my opinion it diminishes him to give him that extra help and reduces the chance that he'll feel the need to continue to improve his game in order to continue to excel without that help.

Bottom line, regardless of what people say, officiating does affect the outcome of games. It almost gave Wisconsin the win over BYU when BYU clearly outplayed the Badgers and was the better team. Although I love what BYU is doing and I love the win and that they're in the Sweet 16, the officiating aspect of this game really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If I were a conspiracy theorist, it would be easy to believe that the powers that be want nothing more than to have only SEC and B10 teams in the Sweet 16 and beyond.
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