Conspiracy - Based on the minutes of the meeting where the Holocaust was functionally planned. Two primary characters are General Heydrich who was in charge of the meeting and as the highest ranking officer present. He’s straight evil.
The other primary character is Adolf Eichmann. Eichmann is is played by Stanley Tucci. He plans the meeting and is in charge of actually executing the plan.
Remarkable and chilling movie. Based on minutes of the meetings that were thought destroyed but found in the 80s in an attic.
Anthropoid - Tells the true story of an assassination attempt on Heydrich while he’s traveling in Prague. Remember he’s the super bad guy from the first movie). Unbelievably tense and well done movie.
Operation Finale - Tells the true story of Mossads effort to capture Eichmann (other bad guy from the first movie) after he’s fled to Argentina and bring him to justice. Also super good. It’s probably the most traditionally executed movie. Is very tense at times. Excellent acting.
Watch all 3 and watch them in that order