My friends and I being the BYU football fiends we are waited around after the devo with a hope to chat with Sitake.
He was so kind and got a picture with us. I asked him the question I had been dying to know ever since we all had to endure that ASU loss this past season.
I asked him how did you keep a level head during the ASU game? That was a nightmare scenario but you were cool, calm, and collected the entire time. I spent that game sitting right by the student section and it was a nightmare.
He said that as the fans rushed on the field they ran right up to him and were yelling "f you" and every imaginable horrid thing they could come up with. He even mentioned how the fan treatment @ ASU was so much worse than what they were used to.
He said they couldn't move with all the people storming the field so he started asking the ASU fans what they were studying, gave them fistbumps, and after a few minutes they were apologizing to him for being such jerks earlier.
it really speaks to Sitake's character that he was able "to kill em with kindness" despite the intense emotions of the situation. We are really blessed to have Sitake here at BYU.
He said a few ASU fans came up and said "Coach! We're members!!!!" to which he said "I'm not judging but make sure you go to institute" haha.