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Feb 1, 2025
Hypnotoad All-American
The Pitt, on Max, is pretty good. It has no business appealing to me, but I'll
watch anything remotely tied to HBO, because HBO has a way of doing things better. I can't pinpoint exactly what it is I prefer about it over other medical shows. But there are a few things that make me like it. The Pitt differs from other medical procedurals. Maybe because it's not quite a procedural. The format is like 24. The season is just one shift in the emergency room where each hour of the show is an hour of real time. That allows them to focus on the same patients over multiple episodes as opposed to having a patient of the week. The drama is more grounded than other medical shows. I think the writers understand that there's no need to inject embellished storylines when the focus of the show is a trauma 1 emergency room in a large city. It features some medical students in their first day of rotations in the ER. That allows for some humorous scenes and also much of the drama. The audience gets to see how the students deal with death on the job for the first time and contrast it with how the residents and attending physicians handle it. There are also funny scenes in which the students deal with body fluids in ways they couldn't imagine. A running gag is one student changes his scrubs multiple times over the course of the first 5 episodes because he keeps getting covered in gross stuff.

I binge watched Six Feet Under last year, and while I thought it was great, it wasn't wise to watch like 80 episodes of television all about death, considering I've been to too many funerals since 2020. The Pitt also deals with death, but it's only one aspect of the show so its not overwhelming. If you're a degenerate like me and can tolerate tv shows with lots of swearing and mild nudity (in the form of cadavers and patients) then you should check it out.
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Originally posted on Feb 1, 2025 at 12:46:21pm
Message modified by Hypnotoad on Feb 1, 2025 at 12:48:16pm
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