It is painful as a parent watching your child struggle to make friends and be rejected. I'm thankful for the YM program because, thanks to some really great quorum members and leaders, my oldest felt so included, and it didn't take a huge amount of effort. When my son had his appendix out about 4 days later the whole quorum showed up with cards and his favorite snacks, almost 5 years later he still talks about that, and messages the guys who are on missions now.
My youngest doesn't have a problem making friends, and I always say he kind of collects strays... Kids who get picked on for whatever reason (poor, different, a little odd), but I'm just so thankful he is a good young man. He got in trouble this year for standing up for his friend against some bullies. The Principal told me that he didn't want to punish my son, but it's 'zero tolerance '. My son does have a few problems with social cues, but nowhere near like his older brother.