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Jan 31, 2025
kimdaddy35 Former Fly Half
Even teams that have had talent in the East seem to mess it up. Philadelphia right now is a good example of this. At
one point they had Embiid, Simmons, Jimmy Butler, Tobias Harris and great role players like Redick, Covington, Shamet, Chandler and 2nd year former #1 overall pick Markelle Fultz. Then they traded for Harden and he didn't agree with management. Now they got a washed up Paul George with all of the cap space they were saving up. They were put in a great position and yet time and time again they flounder it and have never even made a conference Finals.

Miami is one of the teams in the East that has had great success, but even they are currently in this pattern of overachieving in the playoffs that never allows them to build up their talent base.

The Washington Wizards, Detroit Pistons, Charlotte Hornets have been cellar dwellers for the past decade. That should not happen. I mean the Pistons decided Monty Williams was the answer for them and gave them a bazillion dollars to fire him after one year.

In the West you have teams 1-15 which are generally competitive. I mean the laughable Clippers under Ballmer became a behomoth willing to overpay for players and a new arena. Just 1-15 the organizations in the West are so much better than their Eastern counterparts.
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