Sales: We want to sell $10M
Me: Well, lets look at the numbers.
*weeks of meetings*
Me: Okay, so we agree. Based on these factors and assumptions, we're going to do Y units.
Sales: Yes, that makes complete sense. 100% agree with this methodology.
Me: Y units is only $9M
Sales: Woah woah woah, hold on there. That's not $10M.
Me: But we went through weeks of meetings looking at the finest details and we are aligned on the methodology on how many units we are going to sell!
Sales: Yes, we agree, need to sell those units. All of that checks out.
Me: So we're okay with $9M?
Sales: No. Need to change something. Its not $10M
Me: So, of all the assumptions we went over and agreed on, which one needs to change?
Sales: I agree with al the assumptions. I don't want to change any of them. we're okay with $9M?
Sales: No.
Repeat next month.