A Farmer is suing a big trucking company after a serious accident. The big trucking company's lawyer is questioning the farmer on the stand...
Lawyer: "Sir, didn't you tell the officer on the scene you were ... quote ... FINE?"
Farmer: "You see, I was driving my mule ...."
Lawyer: "Just answer the question! Didn't you tell the officer on the scene were ... quote ... fine?"
Farmer: "Sir, You see, I was driving my mule ..." he starts again.
Lawyer: "Just answer the question!..."
The Farmer turns to the Judge and says "I'm trying to explain, but the lawyer keeps interrupting me..."
The Judge says "Ok, I'll allow it. Please tell us what happened."
Farmer: "You see, I was driving my mule into town. She was in a trailer hitched to my truck. We were crossing the intersection, when the Big Rig truck plowed into us. It threw my mule and her trailer to one side of the highway, and me and my truck to the other side. I was in really bad shape. My leg was broke. My arm was broke. I was bleeding.
BUT, I could hear my mule on the other side. She was in bad shape too. I could hear her whining and in great pain.
Then the Highway Patrol officer came, and checked on my mule. After a minute, I heard a gunshot, and my mule stopped whining.
The Highway Patrol officer came over to me. He said 'Sir, your mule was in bad shape! She was in great pain! I had to put her down.'
Then he asked me "How are you doing?
And I said "FINE!!"