Outside of the country for a summer. I had been on a few dates with one girl who really liked me, but we weren’t dating exclusively. And I’d been on a few dates with another girl who liked me and we weren’t dating exclusively either.
The night before I left, I had an early date with one and a late date with the other to say goodbye. In fact, the later one took me to the airport.
I may or may not have made out with both of them. That’s not the worst the worst thing I’ve ever done.
The worst thing is:
The earlier date had brought me a present. It was a particular type of goody bag carefully counted out for the number of days that I would be gone so that I would have some type of delicious treat for each day while I was gone, and be able to count the days to being back and seeing her again.
I then took that gift and wrote a different card with the exact same message and gave it to the later date, who was of course amazed that I had put such thought into a short term going away present for her.
I still feel bad about that 20 years later.