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Jan 15, 2025
Ted Lasso Believe.
Visiting Europe - when do you like to do the driving? Morning, afternoon, night?
In my never-ending planning for a trip to Spain, I'm trying to get my itinerary done right.

I need to drive 2-4 hours between each of these cities. Driving at night sounds bad - can't see the countryside, driving in unknown places. At the same time it's nice to have more daylight to tour the cities.

Day 1-2: Barcelona
Day 3: Valencia
Day 4: Alicante/Alcoy (I spent much of my mission here)
Day 5: Granada
Day 6-7: Seville
Day 8: Madrid

Maybe I"ll book trains instead and then just take an uber type thing to get to Alcoy.
Ted Lasso
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Ted Lasso
Sep 25, 2012
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Jan 27, 2025
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