The Church shut down athletics there because it didn't serve a purpose. While transitioning to 4 year school, the only real viable options were to enhance the current programs to compete against other 4 year institutions in the area. That meant joining the likes of Idaho State, Weber State, Montana, etc. Not a very big stage there.
Would that have been nice for the university itself? Sure. But what value did that bring to the sponsoring institution? None really. BYUI competing in the Big Sky at an FCS level wasn't going to promote the Church brand in any significant fashion. It would have been a financial drain that served little external purpose. So when they had the chance to shut it down under the cover of transitioning to a 4 year school, they did.
If the Church truly had an anti-sports attitude they would shut down BYU athletics as well. There would be huge outcry if they did, but I'm sure our leaders aren't afraid of doing what is right in their book. BYU athletics can serve a great purpose. Think of the attention that is brings on a year basis. That is publicity that we are actually being paid to produce at this point. That's a great deal! BYU sports isn't going anywhere under anybody's watch.