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Jan 14, 2025
lurKing5000 Redshirt Freshman
A late Christmas gift to CB
My wife found a poem I wrote for her a while back. I figured if there was going to be appreciation for it anywhere, it was going to be on CB.

A few years ago she found a bunch of those crocheted snowflakes for a good price. She was thinking about giving them to our friends for Christmas with a little poem attached about snowflakes. You know the kind, talking about snowflakes and people being unique, etc.

She wasn't able to find one that was quite what she wanted. So, feeling man enough to match Frost, Emerson, or Browning, I whipped one up for her.

For some reason, she didn't end up giving out the snowflakes as gifts.

I'm glad she found it, so I could share my poem with you on CB. Enjoy.

"Another snowflake poem"

Snowflakes are like people
Each one unique will be
And each one falls on icy ground
In anonymity

So let us, like the snowflake,
Make sure we fill our place
With billions more, who just like us,
Make up the human race

And like the flake we fill our place
In all our heres and nows
Becoming squeezed by other flakes
And pushed around by plows

Then live your life in silence
For sake of nature, hush
Enjoy the squashed obscurity
Until you melt to slush

Merry (late) Christmas!
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Jul 29, 2020
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Mar 6, 2025
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