Whoever invented the easy off tabs deserves a place in hell. While real convenient and I know the intentions were good. Talk about the poop disasters in my house before we figured out a solution. Fortunately Duct tape would stick really well the normal body of the diaper and would cause it to tear so the boys couldn't rip it off.
As they got bigger we had to do full wrap starting in the back so they couldn't get an edge.
PS. Preemie twins take forever to potty train. Thank goodness they loved Hot Wheels.
Want any more Twin Parenting advice just let me know. We have had a lot of experiences. Twin to Twin Transfusion syndrome, 27 week Preemies, NICU, Heart Valve issues, Home Heart Monitors, & Oxygen, Toddler Glasses, Toddler Hearing Aids, Early Intervention, CPS, IEP's, 501's, Multiple surgeries & Hospitalizations. Weird Diseases, Eagle Scouts, High school athletes, FT Proselyting Missions, Mission Rape, Depression, Addiction, Recovery to Temple Marriage.
Truly blessed by too many miracles to count. Boys are now 28. Not saying we have made all the right decisions. but happy to share our mistakes and successes.
Life is amazing