also like Tirico/Collinsworth on NBC. Collinsworth sees a lot . . . he uses the telestrator a lot it seems like and it’s pretty informative. Tom Brady is the opposite. Very little insight and states the obvious.
I think an Ian Eagle/Tony Romo combo would be my favorite. If Nantz ever retires, CBS should keep Romo and put Eagle with him.
Fox needs to kick Brady out and put Olsen back on the A team with Burkhardt.
I’m fine with Buck/Aikman. They’re not at the top for me. I think they can “mail it in” sometimes. Makes sense . . . they almost way too comfortable out there having worked together for so long.
Michaels/Herbstreit aren’t my favorite. I think it’s time for Michaels to finally hang it up and I think Herbie should just stick to CFB.
Noah Eagle is already good and will be around for a long time.