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Jan 7, 2025
HouseDeeking Truly Addicted User
Forgive me for going slightly greenrake, and perhaps BYU isn't quite like it
used to be, but I've been thinking quite a bit about LaVell's approach to being the HC at BYU. Mike Leach understood it and incorporated it at Texas Tech and met success. It's a culture thing.

See, LaVell knew that he wouldn't ever win playing power football at BYU. He needed something that BYU could be good at, using a considerable amount of returned missionaries. This meant, disciplined players. So, he looked around the country and found the right guys to incorporate a passing offense. It took off, literally. Before him the saying was, "only 3 things can happen when you throw the ball, and two of them are bad."

Now, I'm not saying BYU should reinvent the wheel, but perhaps we need to be more creative in the risks we take. I love that we currently run a plethora of what would be considered "trick" plays. Perhaps we need to mainstream it? Add some depth?

I'm not suggesting that A-Rod spend two weeks at a darkness retreat to bolster his creativity. The last A-Rod that did that ended up tanking the Jets. But maybe he needs to throw caution to the wind and be more aggressive.
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