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Jan 7, 2025
Blue for Life Truly Addicted User
Can't stand the know it all or hey I will look into that person at work,
even if it isn't something she needs to be looking into.

We have one person at work that really wants to be involved with everything even if it isn't their job. On calls with all the sales, ops, and upper management, she talks more than anyone, and she isn't upper management. She talks over plant managers on their meetings and doesn't turn her mic off so everyone can hear her typing super loud and then her mouse scroll wheel.

I would say that 99% of the company can't stand her and she has gotten people fired or made them quit. But her boss likes her, which we all can't figure out why. And she tries to suck up to the President in the company. I did find out he realizes she oversteps her lines, not sure why he hasn't told her to stop. She sent me an email this morning to confirm something I am working on needs something, which I already knew. I want to send her an email back saying stop freaking telling me how to do my job and I already knew this, and I am not stupid.

Vent over until her next email or one of our calls today that she will be on and we can all hear her talk over others or her typing.

Blue for Life
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Blue for Life
Nov 27, 2006
Last login
Mar 6, 2025
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18,573 (718 FO)

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