my cornea wasn't quite thick enough for how bad my vision was. One of the best decisions I've ever made and well worth the money. PRK recovery is way worse than Lasik, but I'd do it again for the results I got compared to what my vision was before surgery.
The difference between Lasik and PRK is with Lasik they cut a flap, do the laser surgery and glue the flap back down. With PRK they just cut it off and do the laser surgery and the cornea has to grow back. So rather than being fine the next day other than red and dry eyes like with Lasik, it was a solid week before I was starting to get back to normal. 3-4 days of heavy pain meds sleeping in a dark room.
After that it was several months of constant eye drops. When I say constant, I went through thousands of the disposable eye drops. I didn't go anywhere without a pocket full of them for a few months