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Jan 6, 2025
Y'S CAT 3rd String
You probably meant this but should be stated anyway in a thread like this
We are talking about some Utah fans not all. I have been visiting this board for over two and a half decades and the Utah fans that have posted here have been somewhat reasonable (well, mostly reasonable but hard to bring myself to give a Ute that much credit). I have noticed, over the last few years, some over the top garbage on X and other social media (I am on Big 12 Sports Talk on Facebook). Some of those fans are insufferable. What I have noticed are that many of those types appear to be younger than 35. I have suspected that others are fans that jumped on the bandwagon when Utah had a few good seasons. This is speculation based on what I have observed. Every sports team has those fans. The ones with little experience so recent history is all that exists to them and the bandwagon fans.
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Jun 29, 2001
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Jan 7, 2025
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