First, no, the game is not worth watching.
Second, we gave up wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide open 3 looks all game. It was horrendous.
Third, we did not handle the double team trapping well.
Fourth, we did not rebound the ball well, which was surprising. That is our team's greatest strength and we let them get a lot of offensive boards.
Fifth, for a significant portion of the game, we ran offensive sets that did not look for shots early in the clock and so we got into trouble trying to force bad looks.
Sixth, the officiating was pretty lopsided, but we were going to get throttled anyway.
Hall shot the ball really well, but didn't get very much time on the court, presumably due to defensive concerns, but someone else pointed out that he couldn't have done much worse than everyone else.