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Jan 3, 2025
LifeLongLakerFan Truly Addicted User
Three encouraging recent developments with the Bball team
1. Defensive adjustments since the Providence game are noticeable and have improved overall team defense tremendously. We've always had the length and athleticism to run a stifling defense. It looks like the coaches have figured how to make it happen.

2. Catchings is playing within the offense, and is becoming a weapon. As others have noted, he was forcing his shot, and the results showed it. He's now figuring out when to catch and shoot, when to take it to the rim and finish. His production in recent games is very encouraging for league play and beyond.

3. Baker is finding his place on the team. Like Catchings, Baker was not operating in the flow of the offense early on. He seems to have figured out where his place is in the offense, and he is much more effective. He picks his spots when to take it to the rim instead of forcing it. He's a great second team offensive option with the added benefit of being able to handle the ball, to take pressure off the main ball handler.

I love the direction the team is headed with their overall play. We'll see how they perform against the top half of the league shortly, but the recent 3 - 4 games have some very good signs of progress.
This message has been modified
Originally posted on Jan 3, 2025 at 12:12:59pm
Message modified by LifeLongLakerFan on Jan 3, 2025 at 12:16:48pm
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