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Jan 3, 2025
CougarCanuck76 Truly Addicted User
Ute Twitter is really extending the drama around this transfer
and really went after Nu. They hate that he sent out his "Utah man am I" tweet and still transferred. They can't explain it. All they could logically come up with is that he went for the bag. They have been relentlesssly attacking Nu and his family on Twitter, message boards and by media personalities (Alex Markam). I think His father felt he had to respond to clear the air.

This is a fools errand if you are trying to conrrect "the worlst fanbase in America" because Ute Twitter will never relent. However, it does help clear the air with reasonable readers. Nu and his family are trying to reiterate to anyone who will listen, LEAVING UTAH WASN'T ABOUT THE MONEY. If it was Nu would be playing in Georgia next year.

There have been rumors around Utah having poison in their program for the last year. The way they've managed NIL and not kept promises was frustrating players and their families (Alex Markam was projecting this). And having someone like Nu, the heart and soul of their footballl program, randomly pick up and leave says A LOT. But it was about the money? 20+ players from Utah's roster did the same thing. I think we'll see even more of an exodus during the Spring Transfer Window.

The Poly community is tight and doesn't handle disrespect very well. Utah can recover from this, but they've lost a lot of trust capital. Sometimes you can get away with a toxic environment if you are winning. They aren't winning tho.
This message has been modified
Originally posted on Jan 3, 2025 at 9:52:50am
Message modified by CougarCanuck76 on Jan 3, 2025 at 9:55:47am
Message modified by CougarCanuck76 on Jan 3, 2025 at 9:56:33am
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