I was still in school and applied for a developer job at Convergys... I didn't get the job initially but 2 weeks later they called me back up and said that they had another position open and they offered me the job. Spent 5 months changing date variables on every single telemarketing script and program that we had. Once we were done with that, I think they were going to lay me off, but 3 people quit, which saved me.
I worked there from 1999 to 2006... pure H E double Hockey Sticks. I got laid off, my manager was the biggest piece of crap around. He would weekly pull every single one of us into a meeting, tell us how worthless we were and how lucky we were that he hasn't fired us all, and the only reason he didn't fire us was out of the kindness of his heart. He would also tell us that nobody in the entire state of Utah would hire us to do the same work so we should thank him everyday for giving us a job. Like this was weekly. When I started we had a team of 32 developers... when I got laid off, we had 7 left.
When he laid me off, he pulled me into the office before HR had gotten there and he said to me, "I have been looking forward to this moment for a long time and I'm going to enjoy letting you go." HR then walked into the room and he sat there and faked this appreciation speech, gave me my severance package and had security walk me out of the office.
What he didn't know is that I was 3 weeks away from quitting anyways... 3 months prior I had this feeling that I was going to be let go... just a gut, maybe the spirit talking to me feeling. So I told my wife that we should prepare our house to sell and move to Texas. So we got the house ready, put it on the market, a week later I got laid off, 5 days later our house sold and we have been in Texas every since.