It always referred to the power to dictate the future of college sports.
In 2014, the big boy conferences demanded, and were given autonomy to manage governance issues without the need to consult with the NCAA or with the other 285 members of Dividion 1.
They also created CFP where the P5 imposed their will, and their votes, to create a process that heavily favored them.
In both instances, the threat of going their own way was enough to bring their reluctant partners into line.
So it is now with the P2 dictating how the new world order will shape up.
Under the new CFP contract, they will receive a combined 58% of the net revenue. And will continually tweak the process to endure their continued dominance,
The threat is the same as it has always been. If they don’t get their way they, aided and abetted by their TV partners, will just go it alone.
Winning or losing, in regular or post season, will not affect their stranglehold on the sport.
At best, a bowl loss of a Big Ten or SEC school is an emotional victory. Nothing else.