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Dec 31, 2024
Tuss Starter
Best way to collect data from multiple divisions?
I'm looking for suggestions on how to collect information from about 30 different department/divisions within the organization.

Ideally I'd like to be able to send out an email where the receiver would clock a link that would take then to a spreadsheet. They would enter in information to one or more rows of the spreadsheet. They would submit it and I would have access to all the information from everyone in a single spreadsheet. Bottom line is I want to avoid sending and receiving 30 different spreadsheets and having to combine them all later.

I looked at using Microsoft forms but I need the ability for people to submit an unknown amount of entries (i.e rows in a spreadsheet) for each submittal and my understanding is that Forms doesn't have that capability. I also can't use Google sheets.

Maybe SharePoint is an option? I'm just not super familiar with SharePoint and Forms and would love some input before diving in to figure it out.
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Oct 21, 2006
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