The story goes something like this if I recall correctly…
He called Whittingham and told him he was going to BYU. Whittingham told him it was a mistake, BYU was going to make him a linebacker, he wouldn’t live up to his potential there and he would regret going to BYU…etc…
He called Bronco and said he was committing to Utah. Bronco said Utah is really lucky to have you and while we want you here, you’re a great young man and you will be successful whatever you do.
And Unga realized what team actually cares about him.
Nothing has changed since then. I mean, Kalani praises Utah for crying out loud. He says “if it wasn’t for Utah I wouldn’t be the coach here. Jay Hill wouldn’t be here, coach Po’uha wouldn’t he here…”
Meanwhile, Kyle can’t even bring himself to say BYU. He never mentions Kalani or talks positively of BYU…the school that gave him a scholarship and put him on the NFL and coaching path. Yet so much of what he does is influenced by BYU. He cant stop thinking about BYU. BYU occupies rent free space in Kyle’s head and has for years. It is only getting worse.
Give me “Love and Learn” any day over whatever crap they try to sell at Utah. Just look at the comments from players before and after the game it’s “we hate those guys” vs “we love those guys.”
Glad we are where we are. The trajectory is on the rise. Utah is on the decline. And it is about time.