We finally heard back from the ad network on Saturday that they were able to find and remove the ads that we had communicated to them as being problematic. We're hoping that the significant ad issues that so many of you have been dealing with have been resolved.
We passed along every reported ad issue to our ad network. It's not the first time we've had issues like this during the holiday season. Advertisers know that ad networks are likely going to be a little slower responding to complaints during the holidays, so it's not uncommon for them to try and slip some of these ads in. And the ad network was definitely slow in responding to our complaints.
We're very sorry it was so bad for the last little while. By no means was it a new CougarBoard strategy to increase revenue. We provide very clear guidelines to the ad network regarding what kinds of ads we allow, and what kinds we don't, and things like popup ads and ads that expand to take up your entire browser window, and ads that automatically redirect you to other websites are against those guidelines.
If anybody is still seeing problematic ads - especially the same ones that were being seen the last couple weeks - please be sure to report them.