have the capacity for empathy.
I don’t see anyone excusing this kids behavior…just showing empathy. But some of you are acting like sociopaths that are incapable of empathy.
Yes he should suffer consequences…that doesn’t mean one can’t feel empathy and hope it doesn’t screw up his life.
How many of you have texted while driving? Or used the radio while driving?
You are all good people right? Well people out there have killed others doing exactly that.
If that happened some of you would condemn them and say they are awful and deserve to rot in hell.
How about a good person who made a mistake…a mistake lots of us have made but were lucky.
I digress. Not many of us have thrown water bottles at crowds. I get that. But if you honestly can’t think of a single thing you did as a kid, that COULD have ruined your life, or got you arrested, or hurt someone. Congrats you are a unicorn.
He deserves to suffer consequences. He also deserves empathy. The victim also deserves empathy. She did nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve what happened to her…but no one is arguing about that so I’m not addressing it.
He saw other people throwing water bottles over there. Yet those people are off scott free with no consequences.
I can see myself as a kid getting upset and throwing a water bottle, thinking it’s harmless. Not considering the physics of it coming from so high and far away.
Some of you are acting like he wanted to hurt someone, sat and thought about it, and then threw a hammer. Luckily it appears those acting like this are a just vocal minority.
I hope the victim recovers and has no long term problems. I hope the kid grows up and has a chance to make something of himself.
Rant over.