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Dec 19, 2024
LV Mike All-American
Jeanty was Heisman deserving - and BSU was one win away from being unbeaten.

BSU got mad respect by pushing Oregon to the brink at Autzen Stadium early in the season and Jeanty ran mad v. the Ducks.  BSU earned the committee's respect.  BYU was right there ahead of BSU and could be in the playoff by simply coming to play vs. Kansas instead of having some kind of Utah win "hangover" (which is a ridiculous excuse to lose a night game at home to a team with a losing record).  I love BYU, but I'm not so sure it would beat BSU.  It might - but that would depend on which BYU team decided to show up for the game - the team that steamrolled UCF or the team that was unmotivated vs. Kansas or the one what slept through the first half of the ASU game.

BSU won the big games in its path and played well in the one game it lost v. the Ducks.  BYU did not. Jeanty is the very real deal - and IMO should have won the Heisman.  He may well be an NFL Fantasy MVP within a year or two.

Finally, I hate BSU and its fans.  So, it pains me to write anything positive about BSU.


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Originally posted on Dec 19, 2024 at 7:47:10am
Message modified by LV Mike on Dec 19, 2024 at 7:48:58am
LV Mike
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LV Mike
Sep 28, 2007
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