For 2025, the top Big 12 team is TCU with a composite of 229.53
There are 2 ACC teams with higher composites than TCU (Miami and GA Tech)
There are 6 Big 10 teams with composites higher than TCU (Ohio State, Oregon, Michigan, USC, Penn State, Washington)
There are 11 SEC teams with composites higher than TCU (all EXCEPT South Carolina, Miss State, Kentucky, Arkansas, Vandy)
No G5 teams have composites higher than TCU.
Here's the link:
You can compare conferences, star ratings etc, etc. pretty easily.
Remember that in CFB the team with the higher composite on a 4 year rolling average wins matchups about 70% of the time. For example, if we play TCU we should only win about 30% of the time. If TCU plays Ohio State, Ohio State should win about 70% of the time.