It's competitive. Be careful when selecting a program. Many offer laser certifications and charge out the rear for it but don't teach the essentials. Most Esthetician schools in Utah are scams.
It's very common for schools to allow students to use lasers but they have instructors handle all the critical elements like determining skin types and adjusting to the proper settings on the machine. The student comes in and does nothing more than "pull the trigger". They learn enough to pass a test but can't do anything when placed in front of a patient. As a result the chain med spas sell expensive laser treatments and often use conservative settings that won't harm anyone but likewise wont yield great if any results.
Earnings will top out at $30 per hour with years experience. She could always booth rent and build her own clientele but that is a tough game and most fail.
My recommendation, skip esthetics school altogether. She should go to nursing school and learn to become a cosmetic injector. A lot more money like A LOT more. She will have no problem finding work as a nurse and estheticians that want to stay in the business all end up wanting to be nurses or NPs.