The end of his book has a list of the best moral books. He states that the scriptures are first, he then places Shakespeare, Goethe, Homer, and Dante as his next level. He then lists about 50 other classics.
Personally I like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky in that next-level book list.
As for nonfiction I would recommend Terry Warner’s Bonds that Make Us Free or his draft Bonds of Aguish, Bonds of Love. Absolutely paradigm shifting.
For history, I really liked David McCulloch’s Truman (moved my understanding quite a bit), and William Shirer’s Rise and Fall of the Third Rhich (sad but fascinating).
For religious books, I like Bruce Hafen’s The Broken Heart. Jeff and Pat Holland for just inspirational writing. Nibley’ Bro. Brigham was a good read.